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dbmss 2.9-1


  • pkgdown site declared in DESCRIPTION URL.
  • figure width is set to 5cm in the vignette to make the figures readable.

dbmss 2.9-0

CRAN release: 2023-12-11


  • NAMESPACE cleaned up.

Significant user-visible changes

  • Smooth.wmppp() smooths wmppp’s to map individual values of functions such as MM in the neighborhood of points.

dbmss 2.8-2

CRAN release: 2023-05-21


  • C code cleaned up.

External changes

  • Dhat() code modified according to spatstat.explore v.3.2-1 new features (thanks to Prof. Adrian Baddeley).

dbmss 2.8-0

CRAN release: 2023-01-06

Significant user-visible changes

  • kwmppp() creates a kriged, weighted, marked, planar point pattern to map individual distance-based statistics.
  • plot.kwmppp() (called as plot()) allows plotting kwmppp objects.
  • argument verbose in all envelope functions allows to hide the progress of simulations.

dbmss 2.7-11

CRAN release: 2022-11-08


  • Ktest() automatically drops 0 in r to avoid an obscure error message.

External changes

  • Updates in the spatstat package: dbmss has been updated to address the replacement of spatstat.core.

dbmss 2.7-10

CRAN release: 2022-07-10


  • dbmss no longer depends on ggplot2.
  • Deprecated aes_(x=~var) aesthetics in ggplots replaced by aes($var).
  • documentation improvements.

dbmss 2.7-8

CRAN release: 2022-01-25

External changes

  • The new package spatstat.random is now imported.

dbmss 2.7-7

CRAN release: 2021-08-22

External changes

  • Following R fixed bug PR#18151, mhat() code is modified by Martin Maechler.

dbmss 2.7-6

CRAN release: 2021-06-04

Bug correction

  • An error occurred when a function was called with dbmss:: prefix and CheckArguments = TRUE and dbmss was loaded.

dbmss 2.7-5

CRAN release: 2021-04-16


dbmss 2.7-4

CRAN release: 2021-01-25


  • Continuous integration by GitHub Actions.

External changes

  • Updates in the spatstat package: dbmss has been updated to address the creation of spatstat.core et al.

dbmss 2.7-3

CRAN release: 2020-11-01

Bug fixes

dbmss 2.7-1

CRAN release: 2020-01-08


Bug fixes

dbmss 2.7-0

CRAN release: 2019-03-25


  • autoplot() for envelope objects.
  • Vignettes by pkgdown
  • Better consistency of bandwidth choice in Kd and m estimation. An article is added in the online documentation.

Internal changes

  • Fewer imported functions in NAMESPACE.

Bug fixes

  • Kdhat() density was normalized incorrectly with Approximate=TRUE and small r values.

dbmss 2.6-3

CRAN release: 2018-03-19


  • More robust check of arguments.
  • Rcpp >= 0.12.14 required. init.c no longer necessary.
  • Introduction vignette.
  • On Travis and now.
  • NEWS in Markdown.
  • wmppp() accepts characters in PointType. A PointName column is searched to set the row names of the marks.

Bug fixes

  • wmppp() failed if some point laid outside the window.

dbmss 2.5-1

CRAN release: 2017-11-28

New features

  • On GitHub now.
  • Individual values of m and M available from Mhat and mhat with argument Individual.
  • Point names can be specified as row names of the dataframe passed to wmppp(). They are preserved in the fv object returned by individual Mhat and mhat to identify points more easily.


  • Far less memory is used to compute M and approximated m functions. The ratio of necessary memory equals that of the number of reference points to the total number of points.
  • [.wmppp function added to spatstat generics

dbmss 2.4-1


  • Declaration of the required versions of R and spatstat in DESCRIPTION to avoid error in CRAN test on oldrel Windows platform.

dbmss 2.4-0

CRAN release: 2017-03-26

External changes

  • Updates in the spatstat package: dbmss has been updated to address the creation of spatstat.util.

Internal changes

  • C routines registration to comply with R 3.4 policy.
  • Explicit export of all non-internal functions instead of exportPattern("^[[:alpha:]]+").
  • Import of package cubature reduced to function adaptIntegrate().

dbmss 2.3-0

CRAN release: 2016-09-19

Internal changes

  • Enforcement of the use of C++11 to avoid warnings due to RcppParallel.

dbmss 2.2-5

CRAN release: 2016-06-30

Significant user-visible changes

  • Distance matrices can be used instead of point patterns in Mhat, mhat and Kdhat and their envelopes.
  • The estimation of density used by Kd now includes reflection: the estimation of Kd is more accurate than before, but values may vary from previous versions close to the minimum distance.
  • LazyData is used to save memory.

Bug fixes

  • Weighted argument was ignored in Kdhat (bug introduced in v.2.2-4). Fixed.

dbmss 2.2-4

CRAN release: 2015-12-10

Significant user-visible changes

  • Mhat and mhat C++ code is now parallelized thanks to RcppParallel.
  • Small performance improvement of Kdhat (around 5% faster).

dbmss 2.2-3

Significant user-visible changes

  • Updated CITATION: the paper about this package has been published: Eric Marcon, Stephane Traissac, Florence Puech, Gabriel Lang (2015). Tools to Characterize Point Patterns: dbmss for R. Journal of Statistical Software, 67(3), 1-15.

dbmss 2.2-2

Minor change

  • Intervals of estimation of the Kd function are narrower when the distance range is small with respect to the window to improve precision.

Bug fixes

  • Distances pairs more than twice the maximum value of r where ignored when using the approximate estimation of Kd, so Kd was overestimated when r was smaller than usual (much less than the default values). Corrected.

dbmss 2.2-1

Bug fixes

  • Adjust argument ignored in Kdhat. Fixed.

dbmss 2.2-0

Significant user-visible changes

  • m function added.
  • Default value Controls=NULL for Dhat: controls are by default all points except for cases.
  • Kd and m are both computed by default up to one third of the diameter of the window, other options are added.
  • Original and Adjust arguments allow to change the default bandwith used by Kd and m.

Minor change

  • Typo in internal function name FillEnveloppe corrected: FillEnvelope is the new name.

dbmss 2.1-2

Significant user-visible changes

  • Default neighbor type for Khat and Kenvelope is the same as reference type instead of ““.
  • Kd estimation now accepts “” as reference type to use all points.
  • Approximate argument to calculate Kd on big data sets with little RAM.

Bug fixes

  • FillEnvelope returned wrong quantiles for local confidence intervals. Fixed.

dbmss 2.1-1

Significant user-visible changes

  • Global confidence intervals are now defined even when NA values are found in the simulations.
  • Kd is computed by default up to the median (instead of mean) distance between points.

Bug fixes

  • Kdhat with Reference and Neighbor points of different types was calculated with only half of point pairs and sometimes crashed R. Fixed.

dbmss 2.1-0

Significant user-visible changes

  • Kdhat and M are computed through C++ loops instead of spatstat pairdist(). Much faster, and uses far less memory.

dbmss 2.0-6

Significant user-visible changes

  • Kdhat and M propose a default value for argument r.
  • Vignette added.

Minor change

  • Kdhat probability density estimation is cut at the lowest distance between points instead of 0.

dbmss 2.0-5

Bug fixes

  • Kdhat with Reference and Neighbor points of the same type and Weighted=TRUE returned an error. Fixed.

dbmss 2.0-3


  • Minor corrections, mainly comments and formating.

dbmss 2.0-0


  • Most code rewritten.

Significant user-visible changes

  • Names of functions X.r became Xhat.
  • Point patterns are now of class wmppp.
  • Results are of class fv, envelopes of class envelope.

dbmss 1.2-5


  • NEWS file added.

dbmss 1.2-4


  • Documentation format improved.

Significant user-visible changes

  • The default behavior of Kd is that of Duranton and Overman (2005). An optional parameter is added to used improved bandwith selection.

Bug fixes

  • The density estimation of Kd was run twice. Fixed.

dbmss 1.2-3

## Overview

  • First version on CRAN. Versions 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 contain faster examples to follow CRAN requirements.

dbmss 1.2-1


  • Kinhom function added.

dbmss 1.1


  • First version.