Local values of distance-based measures of spatial concentration can be mapped (Marcon and Puech (2023)).
Dataset simulation
We build a point pattern made of cases (the points of interest) and controls (the background distribution of points).
Cases are a Matérn (Matérn 1960) point pattern with (expected) clusters of (expected) points in a circle of radius scale. Controls are a Poisson point pattern whose density decreases exponentially along the y-axis (we will call “north” the higher y values).
# Simulation of cases (clusters)
rMatClust(kappa = 10, scale = 0.05, mu = 10) %>%
as.wmppp ->
CASES$marks$PointType <- "Cases"
# Number of points
## [1] 54
# Simulation of controls (random distribution)
rpoispp(function(x, y) {1000 * exp(-2 * y)}) %>%
as.wmppp ->
CONTROLS$marks$PointType <-"Controls"
# Number of points
## [1] 427
# Mixed patterns (cases and controls)
ALL <- superimpose(CASES, CONTROLS)
Calculate and plot M Cases
# Fix the number of simulations and the level of risk
NumberOfSimulations <- 1000
Alpha <- .01
# Calculate and plot M Cases
ALL %>%
SimulationType = "RandomLocation",
NumberOfSimulations = NumberOfSimulations,
Alpha = Alpha,
Global = TRUE
) ->
The plot shows a clear relative concentration of cases.
Map M results
To plot the individual values of M around each case, a distance must be chosen. Then, the function must be computed at this distance with individual values. Finally, a map is produced by smoothing the individual values and plotted.
# Choose the distance to plot
Distance <- 0.1
# Calculate the M values to plot
ALL %>%
r = c(0, Distance),
ReferenceType = "Cases",
NeighborType = "Cases",
# Individual must be TRUE
Individual = TRUE
) ->
# Map resolution
resolution <- 512
# Create a map by smoothing the local values of M
M_TheoEx_map <- Smooth(
# First argument is the point pattern
# fvind contains the individual values of M
fvind = M_TheoEx,
# Distance selects the appropriate distance in fvind
distance = Distance,
Nbx = resolution, Nby = resolution
# Plot the point pattern with values of M(Distance)
plot(M_TheoEx_map, main = "")
# Add the cases to the map
ALL[ALL$marks$PointType == "Cases"],
pch = 20, col = "green"
# Add contour lines
contour(M_TheoEx_map, add = TRUE)
We can see that cases are concentrated almost everywhere (local M value above 1) because we chose a Matérn point pattern.
The areas with the higher relative concentration are located in the north of the map because the controls are less dense there.