Estimation of the Lmm function
Estimates the Lmm function
- X
A weighted, marked, planar point pattern (
).- r
A vector of distances. If
, a sensible default value is chosen (512 intervals, from 0 to half the diameter of the window) following spatstat.- ReferenceType
One of the point types. Others are ignored. Default is all point types.
- CheckArguments
Logical; if
, the function arguments are verified. Should be set toFALSE
to save time in simulations for example, when the arguments have been checked elsewhere.
Penttinen, A., Stoyan, D. and Henttonen, H. M. (1992). Marked Point Processes in Forest Statistics. Forest Science 38(4): 806-824.
Espa, G., Giuliani, D. and Arbia, G. (2010). Weighting Ripley's K-function to account for the firm dimension in the analysis of spatial concentration. Discussion Papers, 12/2010. Universita di Trento, Trento: 26.
# Keep only 50% of points to run this example
X <- as.wmppp(rthin(paracou16, 0.5))
labelSize = expression("Basal area (" ~cm^2~ ")"),
labelColor = "Species")
# Calculate Lmm
r <- seq(0, 30, 2)
(Paracou <- Lmmhat(X, r))
#> Function value object (class ‘fv’)
#> for the function r -> L[mm](r)
#> .............................................................................
#> Math.label Description
#> r r distance argument r
#> theo {L[mm][]^{pois}}(r) theoretical Poisson L[mm](r)
#> iso {hat(L[mm])[]^{iso}}(r) Ripley isotropic correction estimate of L[mm](r)
#> .............................................................................
#> Default plot formula: .~.x
#> where “.” stands for ‘iso’, ‘theo’
#> Recommended range of argument r: [0, 50]
#> Available range of argument r: [0, 50]
#> Unit of length: 1 meter
# Plot