Paracou field station plot 16, partial map
This point pattern is from Paracou field station, French Guiana, managed by Cirad.
An object of class ppp.object
representing the point pattern of tree locations in a 250 x 300 meter sampling region. Each tree is marked with its species ("Q. Rosea", "V. Americana" or "Other"), and basal area (square centimeters).
Gourlet-Fleury, S., Guehl, J. M. and Laroussinie, O., Eds. (2004). Ecology & management of a neotropical rainforest. Lessons drawn from Paracou, a long-term experimental research site in French Guiana. Paris, Elsevier.
Marcon, E., F. Puech and S. Traissac (2012). Characterizing the relative spatial structure of point patterns. International Journal of Ecology 2012(Article ID 619281): 11.