Eric Marcon

Eric Marcon

Senior Researcher in Ecology



I am a researcher in Tropical Ecology with UMR Amap, a professor at AgroParisTech and a coordinator of the BioGET course of the Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution master’s degree at AgroParisTech and Montpellier University.

  • Community Ecology
  • Tropical Forestry
  • Ecological Statistics
  • R development
  • Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (French qualification to supervise research) in Ecology, 2016

    University of French Guiana

  • PhD in Ecology, 2010


  • Post-Graduate Engineering School of Public Administration, 1999

    Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts

  • MSc in International Economics, 1999

    University of Paris I, Panthéon Sorbonne

  • Graduate Engineering School of Forestry, 1990

    Ecole Nationale des Ingénieurs des Travaux des Eaux et Forêts


Head of the Joint Research Unit Ecology of Guianan Forests (UMR EcoFoG
January 2010 – August 2020 Kourou, French Guiana

Responsibilities included:

  • Administration of research
  • Management
  • Teaching (graduate and post-graduate students)
  • Research

Recent Publications

(2024). Positive feedbacks and alternative stable states in forest leaf types. Nature Communications.

PDF Cite

(2024). Climate anomalies and neighbourhood crowding interact in shaping tree growth in old-growth and selectively logged tropical forests. Journal of Ecology.


(2023). Global Patterns and Environmental Drivers of Forest Functional Composition. Global Ecology and Biogeography.

Cite DOI

(2023). Mapping distributions in non-homogeneous space with distance-based methods. Journal of Spatial Econometrics.

Cite Code DOI

(2023). Integrated Global Assessment of the Natural Forest Carbon Potential. Nature.

Cite DOI


memoiR is an R package that provides templates to publish well-formatted documents both in HTML and PDF formats. Documents can be produced locally or hosted on GitHub, where GitHub actions can update the published documents continuously.
dbmss is an R package for simple computation of spatial statistic functions of distance to characterize the spatial structures of mapped objects, including classical ones (Ripley’s K and others) and more recent ones used by spatial economists (Duranton and Overman’s Kd, Marcon and Puech’s M).
entropart is an R package that provides functions to calculate $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\gamma$ diversity of communities, including phylogenetic and functional diversity. Estimation-bias corrections are available.


Forest Dynamics
This course is dedicated to the students of the joint Master’s program Global Forestry. It is an introduction to the dynamics of tropical forests. The objectives are to: Be able to describe the state and dynamics of a forest.
