May, 24th 2019


Methodological exercise

Recent developments in biodiversity measurement (Marcon et al. 2014).

Possible interfertilisation with measures of specialisation and spatial concentration in economics (Marcon 2019).

Applied to Paris trees data: explore the biodiversity of trees.

Urban trees provide many services (Taylor and Hochuli 2015). More diversity: more amenities and more resistance.


Show similar approaches in different disciplines.

Discuss economic issues:

  • MAUP,

  • absolute vs. relative concentration.

Illustrate with trees for SEW 2019.


Paris open data:

Dataset: 200,000 trees in Paris located in 20 arrondissements.

  • Streets, Beltway,

  • Public gardens, Cemeteries,

  • Schools, Nurseries, Sports facilities.

Reproducible research: on GitHub.

Made with R, knitr, sp, entropart.

Most abundant species

Hybrid plane tree, horse chestnut, scholar tree, lime tree, Norway maple, sycamore maple…

Species Number of Trees
Platanus x hispanica 33297
Aesculus hippocastanum 15507
Sophora japonica 10714
Tilia tomentosa 6987
Acer platanoides 4423
Acer pseudoplatanus 4417

Species distribution

Measures of diversity


We want to measure the diversity of trees in Paris arrondissements.

Equivalent in economics: measure the specialisation of Paris arrondissements.

Information theory is appropriate.

Measuring Uncertainty

An experiment with several outcomes \(\{r_1, \dots, r_s, \dots, r_S \}\):

  • The probability to obtain \(r_s\) is \(p_s\).

Information function: \(I(p_s)>0, p_s\in [0, 1[\), decreasing to \(I(1)=0\).

  • Definition: rarity is \(1/p_s\).

  • The logarithm of rarity is Shannon’s information function.

The expectation of the information carried by an individual is Shannon’s entropy: \[\sum_s{p_s \ln {\frac{1}{p_s}}}\]

Theil’s index

Theil’s index of specialisation is \[\ln{S} - \sum_s{p_s \ln {\frac{1}{p_s}}}\]

Specialisation is opposed to diversity.

Generalized Entropy

Parametric entropy (Tsallis 1988; Brülhart and Traeger 2005)

Deformed logarithm: \(\ln_q x = \frac{x^{1-q} -1}{1-q}\)


Tsallis entropy \(\sum_s{p_s \ln_q {\frac{1}{p_s}}}\) is the average (deformed, of order \(q\)) logarithm of rarity.

The order \(q\) stresses small or high probabilities.

  • Entropy of order 0: the number of possible outcomes (-1), called richness.

  • Entropy of order 1: Shannon (\(\ln{S}-\) Theil)

  • Entropy of order 2: Simpson (1-Herfindahl).

Hill Numbers

The number of equiprobable outcomes that have the same entropy as the observed system (Hill 1973). Exponential of entropy (Marcon et al. 2014).

Diversity of Parisian green spaces

Richness of arrondissements

Shannon’s Diversity

Simpson’s Diversity of arrondissements

Measures of spatial concentration

Similar approach

We want to measure the spatial ubiquity of species.

Consider a species.

The event \(r_i\) A tree of arrondissement \(i\) belongs to the species has probability \(p_i\).

Ubiquity is the effective number of arrondissements the species is present in.

Spatial concentration is opposed to ubiquity.

Ubiquity of abundant species

Relative vs Absolute


Clarify the links between relative and absolute diversity/ubiquity.

Deal with the MAUP.

Two types of diversity

In search for biodiversity in public gardens:

  • Choose the arrondissement where public gardens are more diverse on average.

  • Choose the one where they are more different from each other.

Absolute or relative diversity \(\leftrightarrow\) \(\alpha\) or \(\beta\) diversity.

The richness of parks and gardens



  • Entropy(arrondissement) = entropy(within parks) + entropy(between parks)

  • Diversity(arrondissement) = Diversity(within parks) X Diversity(between parks)

  • Dimensions of diversity: # Species = # Species/park X # Parks

and, similarly:

  • Spatial concentration(all trees) = concentration(within species) X concentration(between species)

Within diversity of public gardens

Between diversity of public gardens

Total diversity of public gardens


Diversity/Ubiquity increases when data are aggregated:

  • Scale effect of the MAUP.

  • Actually increases by between diversity: not a problem but a feature.


Urban biodiversity

The biodiversity of Paris trees is comparable to that of the most diverse tropical forests.

Many introduced species.

High variability:

  • Streets are not diverse. Sanitary issues.

  • Some parks imitate nature, some are collections.

  • Cemeteries are more diverse than parks (at low \(q\)).

Key messages

Diversity \(\leftrightarrow\) Specialisation.

Ubiquity \(\leftrightarrow\) Spatial concentration.

Hill numbers unify many metrics.

Key importance of the order of diversity/ubiquity:

  • Theil\(\leftrightarrow q=1\);

  • Ellison and Glaeser\(\leftrightarrow q=2\).

Partitioning solves the scale effect of the MAUP.


Brülhart, Marius, and Rolf Traeger. 2005. “An Account of Geographic Concentration Patterns in Europe.” Regional Science and Urban Economics 35 (6): 597–624.

Hill, M. O. 1973. “Diversity and Evenness: A Unifying Notation and Its Consequences.” Ecology 54 (2): 427–32.

Marcon, Eric. 2019. “Mesure de la biodiversité et de la structuration spatiale de l’activité économique par l’entropie.” Revue économique 70 (3): 305–26.

Marcon, Eric, Ivan Scotti, Bruno Hérault, Vivien Rossi, and Gabriel Lang. 2014. “Generalization of the Partitioning of Shannon Diversity.” Plos One 9 (3): e90289.

Taylor, Lucy, and Dieter F. Hochuli. 2015. “Creating better cities: how biodiversity and ecosystem functioning enhance urban residents’ wellbeing.” Urban Ecosystems 18 (3): 747–62.

Tsallis, Constantino. 1988. “Possible generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics.” Journal of Statistical Physics 52 (1): 479–87.