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divent is a package for R designed to estimate diversity based on HCDT entropy or similarity-based entropy.

Several object classes can be used in the package to represent phylogenies and calculate phylogenetic diversity. They are detailed here.

Formats used

Supported phylogenies are classes phylo from package ape, phylog from package ade4 and hclust from package base.

To optimize performance, a specific class phylo_divent is introduced by the package: it is basically a list containing a phylo and an hclust representation of the phylogeny and preprocessed useful statistics.

The argument tree used in phylogenetic diversity estimation functions of the package may be any of those formats. Conversion to phylo_divent is managed internally.

Conversion between classes

Let’s start from an ultrametric distance matrix. Three species are defined, with distance 1 between the first 2 and distance 2 between both and the last one.

species_dist <- matrix(c(0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
row.names(species_dist) <- colnames(species_dist) <- c("A", "B", "C")
##   A B C
## A 0 1 2
## B 1 0 2
## C 2 2 0


An hclust object is created by UPGMA hierarchical clustering.

  tree.hclust <- hclust(
    method = "average"
  hang = -0.01, 
  axes = F

Node heights are stored in $height.

## [1] 1 2


Conversion to a phylo object is straightforward.

plot(tree.phylo <- as.phylo(tree.hclust))

Edge lengths have been divided by 2 during the conversion, as documented in ?as.phylo.hclust.

## [1] 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5

That does not suit our needs. In divent, edge lengths are multiplied by 2 after conversion, so that phylo objects can be identical to other phylogenies.

tree.phylo$edge.length <- 2 * tree.phylo$edge.length


The last conversion is from phylo to phylog.

plot(tree.phylog <- hclust2phylog(tree.hclust))

Edge lengths are not stored directly in phylog objects. The $droot component keeps distances from tips to root. The $Wdist component is a dist (half a distance matrix without the zero-diagonal) whose values are \(d_{s,t}=\sqrt{2 \delta_{s,t}^2}\), where \(\delta_{s,t}\) is the distance between species \(s\) ant \(t\).

##    C    A    B Int1 Root 
##    2    2    2    1    0
##   C A
## A 2  
## B 2 1

phylog trees are supported by divent but are converted to hclust:

tree2.hclust <- stats::hclust(tree.phylog$Wdist^2 / 2, "average")
plot(tree2.hclust, hang = -0.01, axes = F)


The function as_phylo_divent converts any object of one of the previous types.

## Loading required package: Rcpp
plot(tree.phylo_divent <- as_phylo_divent(tree.phylo))

Its plot method is that of dendrogram objects.

A phylo_divent tree is a list.

## $phylo
## Phylogenetic tree with 3 tips and 2 internal nodes.
## Tip labels:
##   A, B, C
## Rooted; includes branch length(s).
## $hclust
## Call:
## ape::as.hclust.phylo(x = tree)
## Cluster method   : unknown 
## Number of objects: 3 
## $height
## [1] 2
## $cuts
## [1] 1 2
## $intervals
## [1] 1 1
## $phylo_groups
##   0 1
## A 1 1
## B 2 1
## C 3 2
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "phylo_divent"

It contains:

  • $phylo: the tree as a phylo object.
  • $hclust: the tree as a hclust object.
  • $height: the height of the tree.
  • $cuts: the heights of the nodes of the tree.
  • $intervals: the intervals between the cuts.
  • $phylo_groups: a matrix that describes the ancestors of species in each interval. The column names give the most recent cut of each interval. Values are the group each present species belongs to in each interval. In the example above, species A and B belong to the same group in the interval starting at 1.

Newick dendrograms

A Newick description of a dendrogram can be read into a phylo object, that can be in turn converted to phylo_divent or used directly in divent functions.

NewickABC <- "(C:2,(A:1,B:1):1);"
plot(phyloABC <- ape::read.tree(text = NewickABC))