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Copy the files produced by knitting to the destination folder.


build_githubpages(destination = usethis::proj_path("docs"))



destination folder of the knitted documents.


A vector with the names of the files and directory that were copied if they existed (some may not be knitted), invisibly.


Produced files are HTML pages and their companions (css, figures, libraries) and PDF documents. The function moves them all and the file into the destination folder. GitHub Pages allow making a website to present them:

  • is the home page. Make it with build_readme() to have links to the HTML and PDF outputs.

  • knit both HTML and PDF versions to avoid dead links.

  • run build_githubpages() when a document is knitted to move the outputs into the docs folder.

  • push to GitHub and activate GitHub Pages on the main branch and the docs folder. The function is useless in book projects: the Build the Book (i.e. the bookdown::render_book() function) takes care of every step.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
## Simulate the creation of a new project
# Save working directory
original_wd <- getwd()
# Get a temporary working directory
wd <- tempfile("example")
# Simulate File > New File > R Markdown... > From Template > Simple Article
rmarkdown::draft(wd, template="simple_article", package="memoiR", edit=FALSE)
# Go to temp directory
# Make it the current project
usethis::proj_set(path = ".", force = TRUE)

## Sequence of actions to build a complete project
# Build .gitignore
## Activate source control, edit your files, commit
# Build README, link to HTML output only in this example
build_readme(PDF = FALSE)
# render: knit to HTML Document (interactively: click the Knit button)
rmarkdown::render(input = list.files(pattern = "*.Rmd"),
                  output_format = "bookdown::html_document2")
# Build GitHub Pages
# List the GitHub Pages files
list.files(recursive = TRUE)
## Commit and push. Outputs will be in /docs of the master branch.

## End of the example: cleanup
# Return to the original working directory and clean up
unlink(wd, recursive = TRUE)
} # }