Build a .gitignore
file suitable for R Markdown projects.
The content of the .gitignore
file as a vector of characters, invisibly. Each element is a line of the file.
The .gitignore file contains the list of files (file name patterns) that must not be controlled by git. Run this function once in each project created from a memoiR template, before activating version control.
## Simulate the creation of a new project
# Save working directory
original_wd <- getwd()
# Get a temporary working directory
wd <- tempfile("example")
# Simulate File > New File > R Markdown... > From Template > Simple Article
rmarkdown::draft(wd, template="simple_article", package="memoiR", edit=FALSE)
# Go to temp directory
# Make it the current project
usethis::proj_set(path = ".", force = TRUE)
#> ✔ Setting active project to
#> "/private/var/folders/3s/b36dp_4s3wv3byw057j8bp940000gn/T/Rtmp4E3weK/example2d093af53e1b".
# Build .gitignore file
#> ✔ Writing .gitignore.
# Content
#> [1] "# History files"
#> [2] ".Rhistory"
#> [3] ".Rapp.history"
#> [4] "# Session Data files"
#> [5] ".RData"
#> [6] "# Package file"
#> [7] ".Rbuildignore"
#> [8] "# RStudio files"
#> [9] ".Rproj.user/"
#> [10] ""
#> [11] "# knitr and R markdown default cache directories"
#> [12] "/*_files/"
#> [13] "/*_cache/"
#> [14] "/libs/"
#> [15] ""
#> [16] "# Latex files"
#> [17] "*.aux"
#> [18] "*-blx.bib"
#> [19] "*.log"
#> [20] "*.xml"
#> [21] "*.bbl"
#> [22] "*.bcf"
#> [23] "*.blg"
#> [24] "*.synctex.gz"
#> [25] "*.out"
#> [26] "*.toc"
#> [27] "*-concordance.tex"
#> [28] "*(busy)"
#> [29] "*.nav"
#> [30] "*.snm"
#> [31] "*.vrb"
#> [32] ""
#> [33] "# Template specific"
#> [34] "packages.bib"
#> [35] ""
#> [36] "# Uncomment if CI builds docs/"
#> [37] "# docs/"
## End of the example: cleanup
# Return to the original working directory and clean up
unlink(wd, recursive = TRUE)