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Cuts the tree into slices separated by nodes, applies the function to each slice and returns the weighted (by slice lengths) sum of the results.


PhyloApply(Tree, FUN, NorP, Normalize = TRUE, dfArgs = NULL,
           ..., CheckArguments = TRUE)



An object of class hclust, "phylo" (see read.tree), phylog or PPtree. The tree must be ultrametric.


The function to be applied to each interval of the tree.


A numeric vector or a two-column matrix. Contains either abundances or probabilities. Two-column matrices should contain the observed abundances (or probabilities) in the first column and the expected ones in the second column, to allow using beta diversity functions.


If TRUE (default), the Total value returned by Function is normalized by the height of the tree (it is the weighted average value of the result in each slice).
If FALSE, it is the unnormalized weighted sum of the results.


A dataframe. Columns are arguments for FUN: their names are those of valid arguments. Values will be passed to FUN in each slice of the tree, starting from the tips. The number of lines must equal the number of slices.


Further arguments to pass to Function.


Logical; if TRUE, the function arguments are verified. Should be set to FALSE to save time when the arguments have been checked elsewhere.


This funtion is generally not used directly. It is a tool to calculate PhyloEntropy and PhyloDiversity.

Intervals (slices) separate two cuts (nodes) in a tree: no node is found at heights contained in an interval.

Objects of class PPtree are returned by Preprocess.Tree.

... allow passing arguments to the function but they can't change along the tree. If necessary, dfArgs allow passing a different value for each slice of the tree.


An object of class PhyloValue. It is a list:


The distribution used to calculate the value


The function used to calculate the value


The functional or phylogenetic tree used to calculate the value


Logical. Indicates whether phylovalue is normalized or proportional to the height of the tree.


A named vector containing values along the tree. Names are cut ends, i.e. the ends of intervals (the first interval starts at 0 for leaves, the max value is the height of the tree).


A named vector containing the correction used by FUN to obtain each value of Cuts. Names are those of Cuts.


The total value, multiplied by the tree height if Normalize is FALSE.


Marcon, E., Herault, B. (2015). Decomposing Phylodiversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6(3): 333-339.

See also


# Load Paracou data (number of trees per species in two 1-ha plot of a tropical forest
#      and their taxonomy)
# Plot the taxonomy
plot(Paracou618.Taxonomy, type="fan", show.tip.label=FALSE)

# Calculate the mean number of trees (individuals) per species 
# (Cuts are 1=species, 2=genus, 3=family)
summary(PhyloApply(Paracou618.Taxonomy, mean, Paracou618.MC$Ns, TRUE))
#> mean applied to Paracou618.MC$Ns along the tree: Paracou618.Taxonomy
#> Results are normalized
#> The average value is: 10.26421
#> Values along the tree are:
#>         1         2         3 
#>  2.644706  6.108696 22.039216